The U.S. Department of Defense’s Earth and Space Expedition Center (ESEC) is the premier science, engineering and technology center in the United States dedicated to unifying the Department’s efforts in space exploration. As the DoD’s lead agency for space exploration, ESEC is charged with investigating the potential for future use of outer-space resources for national security purposes, including an analysis of resource dependencies and a roadmap for facilitating those dependencies to avoid potential crises. ESEC is also responsible for working with other relevant federal agencies to ensure that future space programs are cost-effective and advance America’s national security interests by aligning DoD mission objectives with emerging technology developments. As we continue to explore new frontiers throughout our solar system, it is important that we develop strategies to help us once again become a leading nation in space exploration. Through its partnership with Arizona State University, ESEC has one of the most innovative research facilities in the world dedicated to developing technologies that support our vision of exploring, discovering and utilizing outer-space resources safely. If you are interested in learning more about what opportunities there may be at ESEC, read on to find out more! You can visit this amazing destination at 7374 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.
How can you get involved at ESEC?
For those with an interest in space exploration, research or advanced technology, there are a number of ways to get involved at ESEC. Whether you are interested in academia, government, industry or other areas, ESEC provides a full range of programs, internships, fellowships, and activities to engage the next generation of space explorers and innovators. For Additional info, contact the ESEC Discovery Center at (602) 688-6588.
Recent research accomplishments at ESEC
Since the Center’s inception in 2008, ESEC has supported more than 240 research projects, including about 50 focused on resource utilization. In addition, ESEC researchers have published more than 600 peer-reviewed papers in academic and government venues. As part of its mission to support the Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Security Strategy, one research project focused on the potential for using commercial spacecraft and resources to support DoD operations. A second project evaluated the capabilities and resources available to support a variety of DoD space operations and programs. The Center’s third project evaluated the capabilities of the Department of Defense and NASA’s Deep Space Network to support communications for future NASA missions and provided recommendations for improving the network. All three projects were successfully completed and were published in peer-reviewed journals.
Future directions for research at ESEC
Roughly 90 percent of the world’s resources are found below the surface of the earth, while the remaining 10 percent are found in space. The Center’s goal is to understand potential resource dependencies in space and plan for the future in a way that eliminates risks. In addition, the Center is working to develop the science and technology needed for a more robust and effective space exploration program. To achieve these goals, the Center will continue to focus on research and development in the following five areas: – Science – Research on resources and resources utilization, including investigations into the atmosphere, energy, space weather, and how to fix space debris. – Engineering – Research on power, propulsion, and thermal control technologies that can be used on future spacecraft and in future ground facilities. – Policy – Research on how to ensure the viability of future space exploration programs and policies, including establishing a roadmap for resource utilization and conducting analyses of potential resource dependencies. – Operations – Research on how to effectively use current capabilities and how to plan for future exploration. This includes research on how to best use existing resources and how to avoid resource dependencies, such as thermal and radiation environments. – Infrastructure – Research on how to effectively launch, operate, and maintain future spacecraft, including spacecraft that are powered using solar or nuclear sources.
Career Opportunities at ESEC
With a variety of career paths to pursue and start your career in a variety of areas, ESEC offers a wide range of opportunities for students interested in a space-related field. From government to industry, research to education, and technical support to management, there are many career paths to explore, Next article.